Back home
Back home, installation, plaster, wood, mirrors, 180x200 cm
Back home
Back home, drawing on carpet, charcoal, organic pigments, 400x440 cm
Back home
Back home, drawing in the mirror, 55x120 cm
Back home
Back home, plaster, organic pigments, 16x22 cm
Back home
Back home, part of the installation

Back home
Multi-element installation
size of the biggest element: 400 x 440 cm
materials: wood, mirrors, carpet, plaster, chalk, charlcoal, organic pigment

A reflection on the fear of mortality and an attempt to represent it, the 'Mourning diaries', 'Watch', and 'Back Home' projects are interconnected.
The two parts, titled 'Watch' and 'Back Home', respectively, correspond to each other: the former concerns what has already passed, while the latter deals with what is to come.
'Back Home', which evokes a ritual vigil that has significantly influenced my understanding of death, is my attempt to confront and overcome my fear.
These two projects are presented in contrast to each other. The film component is a distant perspective that is somewhat premeditated, arranged, and static.
The drawing component, on the other hand, is a record created in response to the moment.

Each installation is a reference to a ritual and its dramatization.
Within their scenographic and theatrical character they evoke the confined environment of a home, which is represented in the film component,
and ultimately, a single room, as portrayed in the drawing installation component.
The house in the 'Watch' film is already emptied, whereas the installation depicted here fills it with furniture pieces removed from a home after someone's passing.
The carpet is the central element that determines the size and shape of the space, serving as a map that leads the viewer to the installation's individual components and boundary.
The primary path is presented in the center, but the installation also includes old, worn, or rarely used paths that lead back home.
There may be numerous ways back, but they all lead to the same destination.

Special thanks to Mikołaj Szczęsny