Sweet story
Sweet story
Sweet story
Sweet story
Sweet story
Sweet story

Sweet story
size: 35 x 70 cm
materials: sugar cane residue cellulose, sugar
technique: handmade paper

During my stay in Kaohsiung, an important port city in Taiwan, I had the opportunity to reside in former sugar warehouses, which had served as a transportation hub for sugar destined for Japan.
Despite the passage of time and the transformation of these buildings, they remained a habitat for an ant population that persistently sought food.
The coexistence with them proved to be a challenge for me.

Amidst my art residency stay, I decided to pursue the 'Sweet story'. This book was created from sugarcane waste that was gathered from street vendors who sold the juice of the plant.
Its pages possessed a distinct sweet taste and were fashioned as a tribute to the history of the region.
The book's symbolic significance serves as a poignant reminder of the location's past, but the object also acting as a lure for the ever-present ants.

At the end of my residency and during the final exhibition, ants had made their way into the exhibit space, attracted by the allure of the sweet narrative that was being showcased.
It was a sign of the potency of the sweet book and its ability to attract and engage not just human visitors, but even the most minuscule inhabitants of the environment.

Video documentation: CLICK HERE

The project was created during the art residency at Pier-2 Art Center in 2018 / Kaohsiung City, Taiwan R.O.C.
Supported by the Ministry of Culture Taiwan, Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government, Pier-2 Art Center, PAIR Artist in Residence Program